The Scariest Stories: Witch Hunts

The Rev. Brian Pavlac, Ph.D. is available to give a one-hour lecture on the witch hunting in the region of Cleveland, Ohio.

The illustrated talk discusses when and why Christian authoritiesin early modern Europe and America began to believe in and fear witches, and how they persecuted people accused as witches. This is a horror story that is based not on Halloween fantasy but on historical fact. Since our past reality involves violent and sexual issues, this talk is not suitable for children.

The lecture may be followed by a brief penitential service.

Fr. Pavlac has retired as a professor of history at King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, and is the author of the book, Witch Hunts in the Western World: Persecution and Punishment from the Inquisition through the Salem Trials, published by ABC-Clio and the University of Nebraska Press.


Ten Theories about the Causes of the Witch Hunts:
ideas by historians about the origins of the Witch Hunts
Ten Common Errors and Myths about the Witch Hunts:
corrections to mistaken ideas people frequently have about the Witch Hunts
Timeline of the Hunts to 1800:
chronology of key events, sources and people involved in the witch hunts
. Sources for Salem Witch Hunt .
Primary Source: Letters from the Witch Trial of Rebecca Lemp:
a family deals with accusations.
a review of torture in the witch hunts and today.
Suffer your own persecution!
Try a witch hunt simulation
make choices to survive or not.
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